"We agreed that the French side will take part in construction project of the export-oil-trunk pipeline. It is an extremely important project which is one of the principal artery of the transport system of the Kazakhstan's oil to Europe", - N. Nazarbayev said at the press-conference following the results of negotiations with N. Sarkozy.
Among signed documents are Memorandum on mutual understanding between Kazmunaigaz and SPIKAPAG Company on 'Eskene-Kuryk' pipeline. The document was signed by Chairman of Kazmunaigaz Kairgeldy Kabyldin and President of "Antrepoz Contracting" Dominic Bouvie.
As is known 'Eskene-Kuryk' is oriented firstly at Kashagan deposit.
According to Kazakh Minister of Energy and Mineral Recourses Sauat Mynbayev the amount of financing will be known after preparation of the project. "At the moment the limit amounted to USD 2.5 bln", - the Minister said. He also informed that 'Eskene-Kuryk' pipeline will be Kazakhstan's property.
President of France Nicolas Sarkozy has arrived with official visit to Kazakhstan on Tuesday. During his official visit N. Sarkozy met with the President of Kazakhstan in his residence. The President of France has acquainted with the master plan of the capital in the Palace of Independence.
France and Kazakhstan have signed energy and business deals worth $6bn (£3.8bn) during a visit to Astana by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Kazakhstan has large oil and gas fields and is Central Asia’s largest economy.
Among several accords signed between the two countries, Kazakstan’s Kazmunaigaz and France’s SPIE CAPAG (Entrepose Contracting) singed a draft agreement running from Eskene, onshore near Tengiz, to the port of Kuryk, near Aqtau.
This pipeline is part of the Caspian Transportation System. This pipeline will carry oil to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, turning it into the Aqtau-Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, going to the Turkish Mediterranean coast.
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